Monday, December 3, 2012

50 Day Disney Challenge

First off, I leave for DCP in 55 days!

On a semi-related note, I leave for a family vacation to Disney World in 10 days! I was in 5th grade last time we went around Christmastime, and don't remember a lot about it, so I'm really excited to see the parks all decorated!

Since I leave for DCP in just over 50 days, I have decided to try the 50 Day Disney Challenge. I have seen people doing it on Facebook and on other blogs, so why not? I may not be great about posting everyday, but I'll get them all completed at some point! So here it is...

50 Day Disney Challenge:
Day 1: Your favorite character
Day 2: Your favorite princess
Day 3: Your favorite heroine
Day 4: Your favorite prince
Day 5: Your favorite hero
Day 6: Your favorite Animal
Day 7: Your favorite sidekick
Day 8: Your favorite villain
Day 9: Your favorite couple
Day 10: Your favorite original character (Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, etc...)
Day 11: Your favorite song
Day 12: Your favorite love song
Day 13: Your favorite villain song
Day 14: Your least favorite song
Day 15: Your favorite kiss
Day 16: The first movie you saw
Day 17: Your favorite classic
Day 18: Your least favorite classic
Day 19: Your favorite Pixar film
Day 20: Your least favorite Pixar film
Day 21: Favorite Sequel
Day 22: An overrated movie
Day 23: An underrated movie
Day 24: A movie that makes you laugh
Day 25: A movie that makes you cry
Day 26: Your favorite scene from your favorite movie
Day 27:Saddest death
Day 28: Your favorite quote
Day 29: Your favorite theme park
Day 30: Your favorite theme park attraction/ride
Day 31: Your least favorite character
Day 32: The ride your most scared of to ride
Day 33: Disneyland or Disney World
Day 34: Picture of you visiting the theme park
Day 35: The ride that gives you the most memories
Day 36:A beautiful scene from a Disney Movie
Day 38: The Disney Princess with the best hair
Day 39: An ugly Disney character
Day 40: A Movie you want to live in
Day 41: Your favorite musical movie
Day 42: Favorite Disney Broadway
Day 43: Favorite Disney Channel show
Day 44: Jon you want at Disney
Day 45: The Disney movie that annoys you the most
Day 46: Which character have you dressed up as for Halloween? If not, which would you pick?
Day 47: Least favorite Disney singer
Day 48: Favorite Disney singer
Day 49: A Disney Animal you want to have (featured in a movie)
Day 50: A movie that inspires you

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