Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 43: Favorite Disney Channel Show

Ever? So Weird...current? Good Luck Charlie

Day 42: favorite Disney Broadway

Hardest question ever.
I really cannot choose. On Broadway, I have seen Mary Poppins and The Little Mermaid. We also saw the national tour of Lion King. They were all amazing. I choose all of the above.

Day 41: Favorite Musical Movie

I still love the original High School Musical...I'm a nerd

Day 40: A movie you want to live in

Lilo and Stitch
I could live in Hawaii with an alien

Day 39: An ugly Disney character

Quasimodo...It's kinda what the whole movie is about...

Day 38: Disney Princess with the best hair

Ariel, duh.

Day 37: A beautiful scene from a Disney Movie

Brave is the new big thing down here in Walt Disney World. It has some pretty amazing scenery in it.