Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 36: Ride with the most memories

This is probably due to the fact that there are millions of pictures of me riding it.

Day 35: Dressed Disney for Halloween

I have had Disney costumes for many halloweens...

Adorable me as Tinkerbelle
I have been Cinderella on numerous occasions


Me as Jessie, and BONUS! My cousin, Emily, went as Minnie Mouse

Day 34: Picture of you visiting the theme park

Nice hair, Mom!
This was when we visited the park for the 25th anniversary.

Day 33: Disneyland or Disney World?

No competition. Disney World all the way.

Although, Disneyland does have Alice in Wonderland, Matterhorn, and Indiana Jones attractions, which are worth going all the way out to California.

BUT...Disney World has 4 parks, and a much larger property. They really did it right the second time around.

And I'm not really a fan of California Adventure. It has some great attractions, like SOARIN, California screamin, Monster's Inc, and Toy Story Mania. But you can also find SOARIN and Toy Story Mania at Disney World.

While Both are great, Disney World takes the cake.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 32: The ride you are most scared of

Mission Space
I faced my fears when we went to Disney for a family vacation last month. It was okay, but I'm still scared to ride it.

Day 31: Least Favorite Character

Edgar from Aristocats.
What a mean man, but he got what he deserved in the end.

Day 30: Favorite theme park attraction

I really can't choose, so I'll choose one favorite from each park instead...

Magic Kingdom-Space Mountain

MGM/Hollywood Studios-Tower of Terror
Animal Kingdom- Dinosaur

Day 29: Favorite Theme Park

Animal Kingdom!
I love Disney, I love animals, what could be better than combining the two??
Some of my favorite rides and shows are also located in Animal Kingdom (Finding Nemo show, Kilamanjaro Safaris, Mount Everest, and Dinosaur).

Day 28: Favorite Quote

Day 27: Saddest death

SPOILER ALERT!!! but really if you don't know who dies in Lion King why are you reading a Disney Blog??? :)

Mufasa is by far the saddest Disney death...
I don't really think anything else needs to be said.

Day 26: Favorite Scene from Favorite movie

I have too many favorites, but right now I'm going with Tangled.
My favorite scene is towards the end when Flynn cuts off her hair and she discovers she has healing tears now that her hair cannot heal. It really surprised me the first time I saw it, haha.

Days 23 & 24: A movie that makes you laugh and a movie that makes you cry

I put Days 23 and 24 together for a reason.
The same movie makes me laugh and cry.
I think it's no surprise that movie is.................................UP!
One of my absolute favorite movies, Disney or otherwise. There are jokes out there that Disney Pixar created a better love story in one scene than Stephanie Meyer did with Twilight in however many books and movies. It's actually kind of true, and I am a Twilight fan.

What makes me laugh...The cone of shame
 This is Fact
 What makes me cry...Carl and Ellie

Day 23: An underrated movie

Brother Bear.
Seriously one of my favorite movies, and it never really caught on.
Shortly after it was released I remember meeting Keni and Koda in Animal Kingdom...but sadly, I can't find the pictures! I was so excited, that meeting is one of my favorite memories at Disney.

Day 22: An overrated movie

Cars. Cars. Cars.
Second least favorite Pixar.
I don't know if it's because I'm a girl or something, but I don't really get all the hype about the movie.
Don't get me wrong, it was cute. I babysit a little boy that absolutely loves it. Other than little boys, I just don't think theres a market for this.
Really? Carsland? Come on Disney, We need Monsters Incland before a Carsland. Or Nemoland....or anything but Carsland.
I recently saw a preview for Planes, which will basically be the same thing as cars, but with airplanes. Please tell me this was a joke.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 21: Favorite Sequal

I remember really enjoying the sequal to The Little Mermaid, Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea. I haven't seen it in years, but I really liked it when it first came out.

Day 20: Least Favorite Pixar Film

I'm sorry, but I think Ratatouille is awful. I really cannot watch it. It bores me. It was dissapointing for me because I love Pixar. It's really the only Pixar that I don't like.

Day 19: Favorite Pixar Film

Pixar has really come a long way through the years. But I still have to go with Toy Story. I love the origional, I love the sequals. I think we all remember thinking our toys came to life after seeing that movie :)

Day 18: Least Favorite Classic

Snow White
I just like it less than the others :)
It's just older, and I really don't like Snow White's voice

Day 17: Favorite Disney Classic

This one is really hard...
I think Peter Pan. But the second I watch another movie that will change. I just love Disney Classics!

Day 16: The first movie you saw

I had to consult my mom for this one...

We decided the first movie I saw on the big screen was probably The Lion King.
But that I had probably seen Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin at home before that.

Day 15: Favorite Kiss

Um, I never really thought about my favorite Disney kiss...
Off the top of my head, Lady and the Tramp.
It's just so cute. And they are dogs, which just makes it better.

Day 14: Least Favorite Disney Song

"This is Halloween"
Honestly, The Nightmare Before Christmas freaks me out.
Like really.
I can't watch it by myself, I don't know what my problem is.

Day 13: Favorite Villain Song

After seeing The Lion King at the Fox last summer, "Be Prepared" moved up on my list of favorite Disney songs. The Lion King has some pretty great music in general.

Here's a link if you don't know the song :)

Day 12: Favorite Love Song

Have I mentioned I love Tangled? And Mandy Moore? I have? Okay, so it shouldn't be a surprise that my favorite Disney love song is "I See the Light."

Day 11: Favorite Song

I love the music in Hercules. My favorite would have to be "Zero to Hero." It is just so catchy and makes you want to sing along!

And who doesn't love these ladies????

Day 10: Favorite Origional Character

So...let's face it. I haven't been keeping up with this blog the way I have wanted to. Since I leave this Friday, I am just going to make a lot of posts everyday trying to finish up my "50 Days of Disney" before I leave, and start fresh when I get to Orlando. Sound good? It better.

Day 10: Favorite Origional Character

Pluto! I have always loved meeting Pluto on my Disney vacations, he always has the funnest poses. Since I am home for the time being, you now get to see some fun pictures of my childhood rather than pictures from google! Below is me with Pluto through the years (note: I had some pretty great hairdo's...)



Day 9: Favorite Couple

I screwed up on my dates, yesterday was supposed to be Day 8, not day 7. So ignore that, today is Day 9. I obviously have trouble counting.

Anyway, my favorite Disney Couple is....Aladdin and Jasmine!

Aladdin was one of my favorite, if not my absolute favorite movie when I was little. I remember watching it over and over again. Aladdin and Jasmine have always been two of my favorite characters...why would they not be my favorite couple?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 7: Favorite Villian

Ezma is by far my favorite Disney Villain. She's the stereotype ugly and dumb villain who could obviously never "win." While googling pictures of ezma, I came across the awesome shirt below that I really want now. I think the scene where she says "Pull the lever Kronk!" would make a great roller coaster at a Disney Park. I'll have to bring that up when I get there, I'm sure I have a large say in the development of Disney attractions (haha).

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7: Favorite Sidekick

Kronk! I really love The Emperor's New Groove in general, and I wish they were represented in the Disney parks. Kronk is definitely the best character in the movie though. Who doesn't love a bad guy thats not really bad?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 6: Favorite Animal

Pascal! Sticking with my Tangled theme, I have to say my favorite Disney animal is Pascal. On Black Friday I even got a small pascal plush to sit on my bed while I'm in the Disney College Program (I'm a 5 year old, I know).