Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 5: Favorite Hero

Hercules! Zero to hero, its self-explanatory. Fun fact: According to greek mythology, Neptune, Zeus, and Hades are brothers. Triton is the son of Neptune. Making Hercules King Triton's cousin. Meaning Hercules and Ariel are second cousins.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 4: Favorite Prince

Prince Eric! Who doesn't love a boy that loves his dog? And it doesn't hurt that he's pretty good looking too! I think that Eric is one of the few princes that I have never met in the parks. Now that I think about it, I have no idea if you even can meet him in the parks! You better believe meeting Prince Eric has been added to my Bucket List, if he even exists in "real life."

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 3: Favorite Heroine

Jane Porter! In my opinion, Jane is one of the most underrated female characters in Disney history. She may have a rocky start getting used to jungle living, but soon gets the hang of it. Her transition to jungle-living is especially evident in Tarzan's sequel, Tarzan and Jane. However, this sequel is basically 3 episodes of the TV series, and is pretty bad. I really wouldn't recommend watching it. It does have a strength, demonstrating Jane's adjustment to living in this foreign world with Tarzan. I think we could all learn a thing or two from Jane about giving up everything we know and putting faith in your instincts.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 2: Favorite Princess

Rapunzel! I saw Tangled three times in theaters, go the dvd the day it came out, the songs are on my main playlist, its safe to say I am obsessed. I just love the Disney twist on such a well-known fairy-tale. Along with my love for the movie comes my love for its princess, Rapunzel. Although, I think most of the reason Rapunzel is my favorite princess is because I love Mandy Moore...
I have yet to meet Rapunzel and you better believe I will revert to the age of a 6 year old and jump up and down when I do!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 1: Favorite Character

Tinker Bell! I pretty much collect any Tink merchandise I can find, especially ornaments! I remember watching Peter Pan when I was little and thinking Tink was so pretty! I also feel like a have a lot in common with Tinker Bell, I am stubborn, I get mad when things don't go my way, I hold grudges...okay so none of these are good qualities, looks like a need a new Disney Character role model?

50 Day Disney Challenge

First off, I leave for DCP in 55 days!

On a semi-related note, I leave for a family vacation to Disney World in 10 days! I was in 5th grade last time we went around Christmastime, and don't remember a lot about it, so I'm really excited to see the parks all decorated!

Since I leave for DCP in just over 50 days, I have decided to try the 50 Day Disney Challenge. I have seen people doing it on Facebook and on other blogs, so why not? I may not be great about posting everyday, but I'll get them all completed at some point! So here it is...

50 Day Disney Challenge:
Day 1: Your favorite character
Day 2: Your favorite princess
Day 3: Your favorite heroine
Day 4: Your favorite prince
Day 5: Your favorite hero
Day 6: Your favorite Animal
Day 7: Your favorite sidekick
Day 8: Your favorite villain
Day 9: Your favorite couple
Day 10: Your favorite original character (Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, etc...)
Day 11: Your favorite song
Day 12: Your favorite love song
Day 13: Your favorite villain song
Day 14: Your least favorite song
Day 15: Your favorite kiss
Day 16: The first movie you saw
Day 17: Your favorite classic
Day 18: Your least favorite classic
Day 19: Your favorite Pixar film
Day 20: Your least favorite Pixar film
Day 21: Favorite Sequel
Day 22: An overrated movie
Day 23: An underrated movie
Day 24: A movie that makes you laugh
Day 25: A movie that makes you cry
Day 26: Your favorite scene from your favorite movie
Day 27:Saddest death
Day 28: Your favorite quote
Day 29: Your favorite theme park
Day 30: Your favorite theme park attraction/ride
Day 31: Your least favorite character
Day 32: The ride your most scared of to ride
Day 33: Disneyland or Disney World
Day 34: Picture of you visiting the theme park
Day 35: The ride that gives you the most memories
Day 36:A beautiful scene from a Disney Movie
Day 38: The Disney Princess with the best hair
Day 39: An ugly Disney character
Day 40: A Movie you want to live in
Day 41: Your favorite musical movie
Day 42: Favorite Disney Broadway
Day 43: Favorite Disney Channel show
Day 44: Jon you want at Disney
Day 45: The Disney movie that annoys you the most
Day 46: Which character have you dressed up as for Halloween? If not, which would you pick?
Day 47: Least favorite Disney singer
Day 48: Favorite Disney singer
Day 49: A Disney Animal you want to have (featured in a movie)
Day 50: A movie that inspires you

Sunday, December 2, 2012

If You Keep On Believing...

My dream has finally come true, I am moving to Disney World in January :)

In October, I was accepted into the Spring 2013 Disney College Program with the role of Main Entrance Operations and I could not be more excited to start this new journey!

I first learned about the DCP (Disney College Program) in high school when I picked up a flier on a school trip to Disney. I'm a huge planner, and kept the brochure all these years dreaming about the day I could start this internship, and it is finally coming true! The application process went super fast, I'll probably create a post later on about the application, interview, etc.

I am creating this blog for my friends, family, and anyone interested to join me on this magical journey living my Disney dream...

Now for a little about myself,
I am 20 years old, and an early childhood education major (recently changed my major from Psychology). A self proclaimed "Disney freak," I have a natural weakness for anything Disney. That being said, an internship at Disney World is pretty much made for me. I love crafting, reading, sewing, scrap-booking, and did I mention Disney? I'm kind of a nerd, sorry I'm not sorry...

Anyway, I'm more than happy to answer any questions you have along the way, and just so excited to start my new Disney adventure with you!